Representing patrons, pedestrians and bicyclists.

Business owners and homeowners have a duty to protect you from dangerous conditions on their property. These dangerous conditions can be a spill on the floor of a grocery store, an unsafe construction zone, a defective building or sidewalk, inadequate security, or any other condition that poses a risk of injury to someone.

Forum Law Group has extensive experience investigating, settling and litigating unsafe premises claims and lawsuits.

Home and Business Liability

Property owners and managers have a duty to protect others from dangerous conditions on their property in certain circumstances. Dangerous conditions may occur in many circumstances.

Apartment and home rentals. A landlord is legally liable for injuries caused to tenants due to negligence or failure to maintain a rental. Some examples are injuries caused by children falling from windows lacking appropriate safety guards, broken steps, cracked sidewalks, inadequate security, and fires caused by substandard electrical wiring. Other common cases include injuries caused by holes on the property, driveway or sidewalk, as well as dangerous power lines.

Hotels and motels. Hotel/motel owners and managers are liable for  injuries caused by dimly or poorly lighted walkways, parking lots, and stairs as well as scalding waters temperatures, unsafe stairways and slippery floors. In any of these circumstances, victims have a right to legal counsel and compensation for injuries.

Restaurants and bars. At restaurants and bars, customers can fall if the establishment fails to keep floors, stairs and walkways free from spills and other hazards. We also encourage you to visit the “Liquor Liability” page of our website  for more information about claims against over-serving bars.

Grocery stores, shopping malls and department stores. Negligently maintained stores or supermarkets can cause many dangerous conditions and injuries: Injuries have been known to occur even in major stores such as Albertsons, Wal-Mart, Safeway and Fred Meyer.

Homes and condominium or homeowner associations. Homeowners may in some cases be liable if a person is injured on their property, although it is usually the homeowners insurance company that pays for the injuries. Even if home owner is not at fault for the injury, the homeowner’s insurance policy may pay some limited “med pay” benefits for the medical bills.

Construction Injury

Places of employment can pose particular risks of injury to employees or subcontractors if the employer, owner, manager, or contractor fails to provide a safe workplace. Workers have been known to suffer injuries from unsafe construction sites, equipment or rigs, falls and electrocution. In certain circumstances,, workers can hold liable companies and persons other than their employers who caused the injuries.

If we cannot handle your particular case, we can help find someone who can. If you have been injured due to the negligence or inappropriate stewardship of someone else’s property, we encourage you to contact our office for a free consultation.